
Choosing a travel destination when there’s is a huge wide world just begging to be discovered, can be tricky. You could discover Alaska’s laid-back cities, watch Namibia’s wildlife or take a ferry to Singapore’s islands.

From travel style to bucket list experiences, you want your travel experience to tick all the right boxes. So just how do you choose a destination that will wow you in every way?

It’s easier than you think. In this guide we will discuss the factors to consider when choosing a travel destination. From deciding where to travel, which countries will meet your need, and the travel planning required to ensure a trip of a life time.



Choosing a travel destination for your next trip will ultimately hinge on how much time you have, and your budget.

Deciding which country you’ll explore next can be incredibly exciting. However, with such a vast array of choice, it is easy to become overwhelmed and bogged down by the sheer number of places on offer.

You may already have an image of your perfect vacation in mind. However, to avoid feeling daunted by the whole process, it is worthwhile focusing on a few key factors.

Asking yourself some basic questions will help choosing a vacation destination easier, and enable you to make the correct choices for your trip.



The amount of time you have for your trip will have a bearing on your destination choice.

For example, there is no point planning a trip to New Zealand from the UK if you only have 7 days to spare as you will use up too much time travelling to and from New Zealand, leaving little time for anything else.

It is worth checking flight times to any destinations you may be considering, and also the travel times between any places within your destination.

The last thing you want, is to feel as though you have spent your entire time on planes, trains, buses and in cars.

As a rule of thumb, if you only have a week then try and stay in one location.

With 2 weeks you are able to move around different areas within your chosen region. Be mindful not to try and cover too much ground, and not to try and fit in too many activities, if you still want to return home feeling rested.

With 3 weeks and longer, you have the time to factor in moving between locations and visiting multiple regions and more than 1 country.

The bonus of having this amount of time is that your itinerary can be more flexible and open to change to account for inclement weather etc.



Probably the biggest ball breaker and constraint on how to choose a holiday destination, is your budget and the amount of money you have to spend.

How much your trip will cost, is dependent on several factors, namely :

  • Flights
  • Transport to Get Around
  • Accommodation
  • Food/Drink
  • Activities/Experiences
  • Purchases

These costs can vary greatly, depending on the standard of trip that you want, ie, budget, mid-range or luxury.

Your budget will be higher, if you fly business class, take taxis, stay in 4 star hotels, eat in fine dining restaurants, take expensive tours and shop till you drop.

Your budget will be lower, if you fly economy, use public transport, stay in apartments, cook your own food, only take one tour, and don’t make any shopping purchases.

It pays to be brutally honest with yourself, and the type of trip that you really want to choose.

Is there any point stretching your budget to afford the flight to some far flung destination, if when you get there, you have no money to do what you want to do, or experience the activities that are essential to your enjoyment?

Would it make more sense this time around, to choose a destination nearer home. This way, the flight cost doesn’t eat up most of your budget, so you are able to stay in nicer accommodation and have the funds for several activities?

Only you can answer those questions and decide the correct “fit” for you and the experience and memories you end up having.



The time of year you want to travel, can impact on your destination choice. Not everyone is lucky enough to have the flexibility of traveling whatever time of the year they choose.

Having to travel during peak seasons normally results in paying higher prices. For example during school holidays, at Christmas/New Year or Easter and over bank holidays.

It is important to do your homework with regards weather patterns in certain countries, as you certainly do not want to visit during monsoon season.

Best Time to Visit Particular Countries :

  • New England   : September-October for fall foliage.
  • Maldives           : November-April
  • Namibia            : June-September
  • Cambodia         : November-February
  • Alaska                  : May-September
  • Russia                : June-Mid September
  • New Zealand    : October, November, March, April

If weather is a big factor for you, then this will automatically whittle down your list of potential travel destinations. Are you looking for hot sunny weather or for snowy winter scenery?

Mount Robson, Canada

Bear in mind, that you can still enjoy your chosen weather, but save money by travelling in the shoulder season, when there will be fewer crowds.



If you are travelling solo, you can pretty much please yourself when making all decisions, which is a great place to be.

However, if you are travelling as a couple, with family or friends, it is vital that everyone is happy and on board with the chosen travel plans. You need to remember that everyone wants to have an enjoyable time and return home with great memories.

Therefore, it is important to compromise and take everyone’s opinions and individual wishes/desires into consideration.

Happy Travel Companions = Happy Holiday Experience

Sit down together and find out what you are all looking for in a trip. What does each person want to do, see, experience?

Then try and find a balance which gives everyone something they want from their list.

Be clear about any final choices before going ahead and making a booking. Involving everyone in the whole process will avoid upset further down the road and ensure that all opinions are taken into account.



Whilst a seemingly obvious question at first glance, it is vital for the whole process to decide why you want to go on the trip in the first place.

If you don’t know the answer to this question then how are you going to pick a trip that matches the experience you are looking for from your travels.

Really contemplate the “why” of you choosing a certain place. Be inspired by travel programs, brochures and other traveller experiences, but ultimately it is your choice, your travel memory.

Do not be led by the latest list of “must see places” but carve out your own journey and experience.

Jot down all your ideas onto a sheet of paper, so you can compare vacation destinations.



Deciding what you want to see and do on your trip will help you narrow your choice further, ensuring that you find the right “fit” for yourself.

If you love sunbathing, swimming, reading and generally relaxing, then perhaps a beach resort in Dubai or Abu Dhabi is a good choice for you. However if your idea of bliss, would be viewing glaciers, then you will fall in love with Alaska.

Maybe you love exploring historical buildings, castles and lochs. Scotland has all of these things in abundance.

Stunning Highclere Castle, England

Ultimately, you have to understand the type of experience that you want from your destination.

Looking for more specific travel destinations advice? Head over to the Destinations Section and discover a place or country you may never have even considered before.



Consider what is most important to you, within your travel budget. Are you happy in an apartment and save money by doing your own cooking? Would you rather stay slightly outside of the city centre or beach area?

Or are you looking for luxury accommodation in city centres and overlooking the beach? Is fine dining important in your plans?

This is the time to be completely honest about what will make you happy.


  1. Avoid peak periods and travel outside of high season.
  2. Take a weekend city break for 3 or 4 nights.
  3. Travel locally and save on airfare and travelling time.
  4. Choose a destination where your own currency is strong so your money goes further.
  5. Instead of a capital city, consider a second alternative city which will be a cheaper option.
  6. Choose less-developed countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand.
  7. Steer clear of capitals and big cities which will be expensive.
  8. Find where the cheap flights are being offered.



1. Ask Other Travellers


What better way to find out about a place, than from someone who has already been there. They can provide a wealth of knowledge and experience for you to consider, and help you decide whether the place would be the right fit for you.

2. Take A Virtual Tour


If you are looking for some ideas, why not take a virtual tour of some of the world’s best known sights. From great museums to historic locations, national parks and even zoos, there is something to inspire all of us.

3. Check Out Flight Deals


If you are flexible, want to stretch your budget, and are happy to try any destination, then following the deals will snag you a great option.

Follow airlines and hotel brands for notification of their sales and special offers. Often, you will find special deals for particular locations, throughout the year.

Some great sites to follow are Jack’s Flight Club (UK), Scott’s Cheap Flights (USA), and IHG. Also, use Google Flights to search for possible destinations, based on your start location and how much you wish to spend.

4. Choose An Experience & Then Match It Up With A Country


Instead of choosing a specific country, if you have an experience that is the most important factor for you, then choose that first. Then you can match it up with a suitable destination.

For example, if you would love to go on a safari, consider Namibia. If you would love to explore picturesque villages, England has plenty.

5. Read Inspiring Travel Books


What better way to feel inspired than flicking through a travel brochure or travel book. Peruse the colour photos and see if a new destination entices you.

Check out Lonely Planet’s Wonders of the World, and The Best Moment of Your Life. You will certainly be captivated by the photos in National Geographic’s Journeys of a Lifetime, so be sure to give it a read.

6. Prioritize Destinations


If you have a long list of places you would love to visit, maybe you could put them into order of preference and priority.

As we get older, we may not be as fit and able to go on day-long, strenuous hikes. We are certainly keeping these sorts of things in mind, when we decide where to travel to next.

We have always travelled long-haul to places like Australia and New Zealand, and only recently begun to include places in Europe, nearer to home.

With so many more people travelling nowadays, maybe you want to prioritize those places that are still relatively unknown to tourism.

7. Use The Power Of Pinterest


Pinterest is a visual search engine which you can use to your advantage. We are often struck emotionally by photos that we see, grabbing our attention and impacting how we feel and think.

You are able to use Pinterest to search for specific words for example, travel destinations. This search will bring up several different boxes, each with another keyword option, which you can use to refine your search.

Save pins to your own travel board as you come across any that interest you. Check out GlobalGadding’s Pinterest Boards here.

Wherever you choose to visit, travel will open your mind to new ideas, new cultures and new and incredible experiences. Happy Planning!

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